
Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Labour week

 Greetings bloggers,

Today the class is doing a blog about labour week and what they did. What I did is hang out with my friends and my family we had a fun time we played some board games and we played Mortal kombat the game on the PlayStation five here are some .

I went to the park with my friends and we played busted,tag and hide in go seek . We went in to town and went to see the rubier duck race it was fun and my duck came third place. it really was not a race because when you participated you got a prize.

photo of what I did:

Thank you for reading please leave a comment I hope you have a good rest of your day.


Wednesday, 20 October 2021

bush wrens

 Hello people,

I am learning about bush wren did you now that wren stands for small bird.

The whole class had to make a blog about different animal out of the book uncle don knows heaps of wacky stuff page 17-22. I picked bush wrens because they are very interesting they were one of the smallest birds in new Zealand. but they don't existed they died off around 1972. There are also rock wrens too. bush wren have a hard time flying. rock wrens are found Florida too.

Look below and see my work.

Searching for bush wrens was hard but i did find some it was very interesting.

 I like it because I didn't no that bush wrens even existed. I thought bush wrens funny because I figure out that bush wrens didn't even look like a bush. Because I thought they did.

I hope you have a good day and please leave a comment good bye.


Thursday, 30 September 2021

Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff

Hello people,

I am learning about trout we are reading Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff. The whole class needed to make a blog about what there learning about. The whole class had to read uncle don knows heaps of wacky stuff page 11-16 and we had to pick something and I picked trout which is on page 14. Here is a link to the book Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff. Click here

 Here is my work.

I thought this was hard it looked easy but it wasn't. 
Thank you for reading I hope you have a good rest of your day Please leave a comment.

Friday, 24 September 2021

blind taste testing



When I ate the food it was chewy lollies

2. when my nose was block I could not taste but when I unblock it taste nice citric aced

3. it tasted like salty but it was salt and it was biter

4.that was salty and it sucked and it tasted like the sea

5.that was sweet and nice and good

6.that was like sherbet with no flavor and it was fizzingt up in you moth

What is a base

An acid is a liquid that has a Hydrogen H atom that can react

For example 
  • Nitric Acid HNO3 
  • Sulfuric Acid H2SO4
  • Hydrochloric Acid HCI

A base is they opposite of an acid and an OH (hydroxide) that can react.

When a acid and a base react, thay NEUTRALISE (cancel out)
each other.

Thursday, 23 September 2021

katipo spiders

 Hello bloggers,

 I am learning about the Katipo, a type of native NZ spider.

The whole class had to find something to learn about. We are reading these book could uncle don knows heaps of wacky stuff. We all had to pick and animal to learn about and I picked the Katipo spiders. 

 Look below and you can see my work.

Here are some facts.

 Did you know that these spiders are endangered species of spider. Also Katipo are native to Zealand.

Katipo spiders live under logs. Katipo spider like the beach too.

I thought these was really hard but when you start learning about more it get better.

I felt happy that I am learning about a species of spider which I didn't  even know about. These spiders are very interesting.

Thank you for reading and please leave a comment hope you have a good rest of your day.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

uncle heaps of wacky stuff

These is hurumanu 1 the hole class is learning about different water animals like an eel that what i am doing

did you now that baby eels swim from Tonga

I am learning about eels because we had to pick something to learn about from a book the books name is uncle don n heaps of wacky stuff I am learning about eels look below and there is some facts.

  • Baby eels are called elvers

  • Eels like the dark

  • Eels don’t have good eyesight

  • Eels cone be wight between 95 gm to 215 gm 

  • Eels  can be measured between 5 to 13 feet in length

  • Eels can live up to 85 years

  • Electric eels are mostly blind

  • Eels have the razor sharp teeth they also have double jaw

  • Female eels are very aggressive

  • There are 800 species of eel

  • Electric eels have 600 hundred volts

  • There are eels that have horns

here I well show you some photos too.

These is a moray eel

Freshwater eel

Thank you for reading and please leave a comment