
Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Labour week

 Greetings bloggers,

Today the class is doing a blog about labour week and what they did. What I did is hang out with my friends and my family we had a fun time we played some board games and we played Mortal kombat the game on the PlayStation five here are some .

I went to the park with my friends and we played busted,tag and hide in go seek . We went in to town and went to see the rubier duck race it was fun and my duck came third place. it really was not a race because when you participated you got a prize.

photo of what I did:

Thank you for reading please leave a comment I hope you have a good rest of your day.


Wednesday, 20 October 2021

bush wrens

 Hello people,

I am learning about bush wren did you now that wren stands for small bird.

The whole class had to make a blog about different animal out of the book uncle don knows heaps of wacky stuff page 17-22. I picked bush wrens because they are very interesting they were one of the smallest birds in new Zealand. but they don't existed they died off around 1972. There are also rock wrens too. bush wren have a hard time flying. rock wrens are found Florida too.

Look below and see my work.

Searching for bush wrens was hard but i did find some it was very interesting.

 I like it because I didn't no that bush wrens even existed. I thought bush wrens funny because I figure out that bush wrens didn't even look like a bush. Because I thought they did.

I hope you have a good day and please leave a comment good bye.


Thursday, 30 September 2021

Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff

Hello people,

I am learning about trout we are reading Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff. The whole class needed to make a blog about what there learning about. The whole class had to read uncle don knows heaps of wacky stuff page 11-16 and we had to pick something and I picked trout which is on page 14. Here is a link to the book Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff. Click here

 Here is my work.

I thought this was hard it looked easy but it wasn't. 
Thank you for reading I hope you have a good rest of your day Please leave a comment.

Friday, 24 September 2021

blind taste testing



When I ate the food it was chewy lollies

2. when my nose was block I could not taste but when I unblock it taste nice citric aced

3. it tasted like salty but it was salt and it was biter

4.that was salty and it sucked and it tasted like the sea

5.that was sweet and nice and good

6.that was like sherbet with no flavor and it was fizzingt up in you moth

What is a base

An acid is a liquid that has a Hydrogen H atom that can react

For example 
  • Nitric Acid HNO3 
  • Sulfuric Acid H2SO4
  • Hydrochloric Acid HCI

A base is they opposite of an acid and an OH (hydroxide) that can react.

When a acid and a base react, thay NEUTRALISE (cancel out)
each other.

Thursday, 23 September 2021

katipo spiders

 Hello bloggers,

 I am learning about the Katipo, a type of native NZ spider.

The whole class had to find something to learn about. We are reading these book could uncle don knows heaps of wacky stuff. We all had to pick and animal to learn about and I picked the Katipo spiders. 

 Look below and you can see my work.

Here are some facts.

 Did you know that these spiders are endangered species of spider. Also Katipo are native to Zealand.

Katipo spiders live under logs. Katipo spider like the beach too.

I thought these was really hard but when you start learning about more it get better.

I felt happy that I am learning about a species of spider which I didn't  even know about. These spiders are very interesting.

Thank you for reading and please leave a comment hope you have a good rest of your day.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

uncle heaps of wacky stuff

These is hurumanu 1 the hole class is learning about different water animals like an eel that what i am doing

did you now that baby eels swim from Tonga

I am learning about eels because we had to pick something to learn about from a book the books name is uncle don n heaps of wacky stuff I am learning about eels look below and there is some facts.

  • Baby eels are called elvers

  • Eels like the dark

  • Eels don’t have good eyesight

  • Eels cone be wight between 95 gm to 215 gm 

  • Eels  can be measured between 5 to 13 feet in length

  • Eels can live up to 85 years

  • Electric eels are mostly blind

  • Eels have the razor sharp teeth they also have double jaw

  • Female eels are very aggressive

  • There are 800 species of eel

  • Electric eels have 600 hundred volts

  • There are eels that have horns

here I well show you some photos too.

These is a moray eel

Freshwater eel

Thank you for reading and please leave a comment

Friday, 17 September 2021

What is an acid

Acid names that we need to now:
  1. Hydrochloride HCL
  2. Sulfuric acid H2SO4
  3. Nitric acid HNO3
  • What is acid an acid contains hydrogen atoms that break off to react with a substance.

Litmus paper changes colour in acid
It changes to red colour blue go red red stays red

Red cabbage indicator


I want to fond out how to tell if something is an acid



  • Beaker
  • Red cabbage
  • Hot water
  • Dropper
  • Test tubes
  • Different samples for testing

  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Rip your red cabbage in to little pieces and put them in to the water.
  3. Add about 100mL of hot water.
  4. We all had to add Hydrochloride acid and Sodium Hydroxide 
  5. On one off one of them we made a green and on the other we made a pink and a blue

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Message in a bottle

Hello bloggers,

In wananga  we wrote a story about a message in a bottle here is my story look below

I was walking along a river near a big mountain and I looked at something in the river that looked like glass. So I followed it and I grabbed it. There was a bit of paper that looked like a map. So I grabbed it out of the bottle and it was a map and at the bottom it said “hello  this is a message  telling you that there is  a treasure so follow the map.” 

I got my friend Fred and then we started. There were two paths. There was one path that said  “short cut and there was one go the right way”. To be continued...

Friday, 10 September 2021

Making Sherbet


I want to find out how to make sherbet.



Icing suger and raro
Any sort of container
Citric acid
Baking powder
mix  it with a stick

Get all of your a Equipment

Add one teaspoon suger/raro

Add half a teaspoon of acid

Mix with the stick

Tastes the sherbet test your Flavour


What happens in mouth? in your mouth it has a fizz

What happens in cup? in your cup it dos not have a fizz

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

What are the places which has a the s

I want to find out were the dirist place at school?
Bacteria, also called germs, are microscopic organisms not visible with the naked eye. Bacteria are everywhere, both inside and outside of your body. Bacteria can live in a variety of environments, from hot water to ice. ... Bacteria are single-celled, or simple, organisms.
This are the four tupes of bacteria coccus,bacillus,spirillum and vibrio

Here are my vidoes



  • perish dish
  • cotten tip
  • marker
  • sellotape

  1. get Equitment
  2. divide you r pate using marker > 4
  3. label sections your swabing
  4. take a cotten tip and swab a serfas 
  5. then swap the agar

Friday, 13 August 2021

ginger beer

 Aim: I want to find out how to make ginger beer



Fermented beverages have been a staple of the human diet since practically the dawn of (recorded) time (or at least 9000 years ago).  Without modern refrigeration techniques, people sought other methods to preserve food and mitigate spoilage.  Fermentation is one of the ubiquitous methods of preservation utilized by all cultures.

Using naturally occurring bacteria and yeast to ferment native foodstuffs didn’t only protect them from spoilage, it also added pro-biotic food to their diet and boosted their nutritional intake. Not only that, many fermented foods contain enzymes humans need to more effectively derive nutrition from their food.  Whether they knew it or not, ancient peoples benefited in many ways from fermented foods.

Most people today are pretty disconnected from the natural world, especially the natural bacteria that are disinfected out of our lives.  In some cases, that is good.  Certainly nobody wants to catch the plague! However, I believe that our “war on bacteria” is at the root of a whole host of heretofore never before heard of “modern illnesses,” both mental and physical. As a society, we are severely out of (bacteria) balance. Correcting that balance is what fermented drinks are all about!

So, to that end, let’s take a look at a few interesting drinks from around the world.  Many of these are ancient beverages and their popularity throughout the ages demonstrates the power of fermentation.  It’s hot baby!

5. Sima

Sima is a traditional beverage of the Finnish people. It is made and served during Vappu, the Finnish May Day celebration. While normally a stoic people, Vappu is considered the one time of year that they really let their

hair down.  Like most May Day celebrations, its roots are from the Pagan tradition.

Sima is a quick and easy ferment (warning: pdf!) with lemons, sugar and yeast. The short fermentation cycle (of which the conclusion is indicated by raisins added to the bottling stage that float to the

top) reduces the amount of alcohol present.

While drunk by adults, it is also popularly served to kids, as many other cultures have more accepting attitudes towards low doses of alcohol for children.

4. Boza or Bouza

Boza is a traditional fermented drink whose roots have been traced all the way back to Mesopotamia, 8000-9000 years ago. It is mainly made from hulled millet, which is boiled in water and then poured into broad shallow pans. When cool, the mixture is strained through a sieve, and water and sugar are added.

Boza is produced in most Turkish regions and in Bulgaria, Albania and Romania. Bouza is produced in Egypt and is most likely the forerunner of beer in Ancient Egypt.

Different cereals (wheat, millet and rye) can be used for Boza production, and natural mixtures of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria cause fermentation. Starter from a previous batch is used and both lactic-acid bacteria and Saccaromyces (same yeast as in Komb…hold on. I don’t want to ruin the surprise of #1) are involved in the fermentation process.

3. Milk Kefir/Water Kefir (tie)

Those were interesting to read about – now let’s get to some more familiar fermented friends!  I LOVE Milk Kefir.  Its smooth and creamy and filling – a perfect snack. Though often referred to as drinkable yogurt, kefir is so much more.

CLICK HERE for a Milk Kefir Recipe, Tips, and Info

A Delicious Glass of Second Ferment Kefir Topped with Coconut Shavings
Second Ferment Kefir

As I found out in the Top 5 Fermented Foods, many of the commercially available foods we assume would be fermented are not, or have been heat treated to eliminate most of the good bacteria.

Not surprisingly, most supermarket Kefirs are pasteurized and don’t provide the same level of health benefits as the homemade stuff. I recommend making it with raw milk to get the most bang for your buck.

Since milk gets a bad name these days, or if you happen to be vegan, water kefir is another option. A popular alternative has sprung up utilizing young coconut water instead of sugar. Again, a short fermentation cycle means low alcohol levels for those concerned. The beverage is lip smacking delicious.

CLICK HERE for a Coconut Water Kefir Recipe

2. Ginger Beer

This one is on my to-do list for sure.  I confess to totally digging on the Reed’s Ginger Brew, but just like the booch, that stuff gets expensive. Reading about how to make this version myself had my mouth watering, I was so excited. I’ve got to carve out time to make this recipe (and visit this cool site again).

It says: “The British Excise Regulations of 1855 required that the drink contained no more than 2% alcohol, and usually it was far less potent: hence ginger beer became popular with children.” That’s exactly the kind of classification Kombucha (and other fermented drinks) needs: less than 2% allows for health benefits without buzz, IMHO. Oops, I let my #1 drink slip! You never would have guessed…

1. Kombucha

Okay, so I am predictable, but what did you expect? You might look at others, even sample, but you always come back to the one you love. How about a special Kombucha fact, then? Something you’ve never heard before?  Okay, I have heard from multiple people that Kombucha can be left bottled for nearly as long as you want! In fact, after a full year, Kombucha is reported to taste smooth and delicious, not tart or vinegary as one might expect.

I’m not surprised, as I have found even 45 days or so produces somewhat the same effect, with a significant mellowing of the taste.  But, is that drink Kombucha, or has it become something less alive or pro-biotic, lacking in the vital acids? Testing is the only way to find out. Another project!



    Warm water
    2 tsp active dried yeast
    2 tsp Chelsea Raw Sugar
    2 tsp ground ginger

    Ginger beer
    3 cups Chelsea Raw Sugar
    2 tsp cream of tartar
    1L boiling water and
    5L cold water
    Juice of 2 lemons, strained


Fill a large glass jar ¾ full with warm water. Add the yeast, Chelsea Raw Sugar and ginger. Cover loosely with a lid or tea-towel – do not screw tight or it won’t be able to breathe. Sit in a warm place, such as the kitchen table or similar.  
Feed your bug every day for seven days with 1 tsp Chelsea Raw Sugar and 1 tsp ground ginger.
After a week, you are ready to make your first batch of beer.

Ginger Beer:
In a large bowl or bucket, put the Chelsea Raw Sugar and cream of tartar, then add the boiling water. Stir to dissolve the sugar before adding the cold water. Get your bug and pour all the liquid (not the sludge in the bottom) into a bucket and add the lemon juice.

Stir well and then pour into your clean bottles – it makes six 750ml bottles.

Store in a cool, dark place for two weeks before drinking. Make sure you open the bottle in the kitchen sink as it might overflow. Open the cap bit by bit to allow the air to escape.

Take the jar with the sludge in it and fill with water to the top. Tip out half or give to a friend so that they can make their own bug. Fill back up to ¾ and feed for another week.

If you are too busy to make a batch of ginger beer one week, don’t just keep feeding and hope for the best, as your bug won’t survive. Pour it out after a week – as you would if you were making some ginger beer – and follow the above instructions for restoring your bug all over again.


When I had a sip it tasted not that nice because it has not been brews for longer nought

next time i think my class has to leave the ginger beer for longer 

Friday, 6 August 2021

heat chilli tasting


I want to find out if milk will help reduce the burn



Equipment :

hot sauce 

tooth pick stopwatch


  1. get equipment
  2. toothpick  
  3. stop
 chilli stop 28 sec
chilli and water stop 34 sec
chilli and coke stop 20 sec
chilli and milk stop 23

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

[Ukulele] count the beat


Welcome back to my blog bloggers hope you have had a good day so far and your going to have well have a better one after these. _____________________________________________________________________________________

This blog is about Hurumanu 2 count the beat. We had to learn to use the ukulele's some of my class was really good and the half was all right. The class learned that a ukulele has a head, neck, turning heads, frets, fret markings, body, nose hole, rosette, saddle and a bridge.


There are different ukulele's look blow and you can see some of them.



There is small big mid sized to there is so meany shaped ukulele. I well tell you the proper names for the sizes for the ukulele the soprano, concert, tenor and baritone. The baritone is the biggest ukulele and the soprano is the smallest. The middle two are the concert and the tenor the concert is the smaller one out of the two. I think the ukulele is fun but some time it get a little boring. well that is what I think other people probable likes it more then me but I still like it. I think that was one of my favourite period.


Thank you for reading my blog-post hope the best for the wrist of your day and please leave a comment and here is a video for you to practise too. click me for video


Monday, 31 May 2021

Kate shepherd

Welcome back to blog, These week  in hurumanu 1 we have been learning about Kate Shepherd. why
Kate shepherd on the 10 dollar note and where Kate shepherd born and where Kate shepherd lived.

  1. Where was Kate Sheppard born : Kate sheppard was born in Liverpool England in 1847


  1. Why do you think Kate sheppard was placed on the 10$ note: because she help so many women's over her life span

  1. What does wctu stand for:

           A women's chess team united

           B women’s champions tennis

           C women’s christian temperance union

          D Wellington cheese tasting union

4.What are three actions Kate sheppard took in her quest for women to have the right to vote

writing news paper, holding public, talking to the parliament 

5.true or false

1. Kate shepherd was born in 1847- True

2. Australasia was the first country to allow women to vote - false

3. nearly 32,000 signatures were collected in Sheppard petition true

4.Kate sheppard is on the 20$ dollar note false

Thank you for reading my blog please leave a comment